
There are hundreds of such medicinal plants in Ayurveda.(Ayurveda.) 

West Champaran. In winter, most of the people struggle with viral cold, cough, cold, sore throat etc. No matter how hard you try, it becomes very difficult to avoid viruses in this season. In such a situation, you have to take medicine even if you do not want to. There is no doubt that excessive use of English medicine is harmful for the body. In such a situation, you can take help of Ayurveda. (Ayurveda.)  Actually, there are hundreds of medicinal plants mentioned in Ayurveda, which you can use for better health. The special thing is that most of the medicinal plants are found near your house.
One of these is the Harsingar plant. Yes, Harsingar leaves are used as a high quality medicine. Today we are going to give you special information on this aspect.

Use as tea and decoction
Patanjali’s Ayurvedacharya Bhuvanesh Pandey tells that from the flowers of Harsingar to the leaves, bark and seeds are also very useful. Its tea is not only excellent in taste but is also beneficial for health. To make Harsingar tea, take two of its leaves and one flower along with some basil leaves and boil them in 1 glass of water. When it boils well, filter it, cool it slightly and then drink it. If you want, you can use honey in it for taste.

Such use of Harsingar leaves and flowers will give you relief from cough and cold. Apart from this, you can use its leaves for knee pain. For this, pluck 6 to 7 Harsingar leaves and grind them. After grinding, put the paste in water and boil it until its quantity reduces to half. Now cool it and drink it every morning on an empty stomach.

Beneficial in body ache, fever and skin related problems
In any type of fever, drinking tea or decoction of Harsingar leaves is very beneficial. Its consumption can cure many types of fever including dengue and malaria. To get relief from skin related problems in winter, you can grind its leaves and apply it. Even in case of pain and strain in hands, legs and muscles, drinking the juice of Harsingar leaves mixed with equal quantity of ginger juice is beneficial.

According to Ayurvedacharya, even a healthy person can consume tea and decoction prepared from Harsingar leaves and flowers every day on an empty stomach during winters.
