The practice of superstition in politics is not new.

Patna: The practice of superstition in politics is not new. After all the three MLAs of the ruling Vikassheel Insaan Party (VIP) in Bihar joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday, doubts remain over the continuation of VIP founder Mukesh Sahni as a minister. In such a situation, now it is also being seen by connecting it with superstition.

The tenure of the minister living in the bungalow is not completed?
Bihar minister Mukesh Sahni is currently living in the number six government bungalow on Strand Road, where the ministers living in them are not able to complete their tenure. At least about the last three ministers, this seems to be one hundred percent correct. Now questions are being raised about whether Sahni will be able to complete his term in the Nitish Kumar cabinet.

In 2010, JDU leader Awadhesh Kushwaha also ..
It is said that this bungalow was allotted to JDU leader and Minister of Excise Department Awadhesh Kushwaha in the year 2010. But even before completing his term, he got caught in a bribery case. Kushwaha had to resign before the term, due to which his government bungalow was also snatched.

Alok Mehta’s part also came in this bungalow
When the RJD and JDU government was formed in Bihar in the year 2015, it came under the share of Alok Mehta, who became the Government Bungalow Cooperation Minister. It was only about one and a half years that he had to live in this bungalow that Chief Minister Nitish Kumar resigned and then formed the government with the BJP. Due to this decision of Nitish Kumar, Alok Mehta had to lose the ministerial post, due to which he could not complete his term while living in this bungalow.

Manju Verma also could not complete the term
After this, Manju Verma, who became a minister, was allotted this residence, but she too could not complete her term. She also had to resign from the post of minister after her name was added to the Muzaffarpur Girls Shelter Home. After this, this bungalow has been allotted to Mukesh Sahni, who became a minister after the Vidhan Sabha elections 2020. At present, Sahni is living in this residence, but all three of his MLAs have left the party and joined the BJP.

It proves to be inauspicious.
Here, on Thursday, when Sahni was asked about resigning from the post of minister, he said that it is the prerogative of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. We will do as they say. Now it has to be seen whether Sahni completes his term living in this government bungalow or like the other three ministers, this bungalow proves to be inauspicious for him too.