The bride was going to her in-laws’ house, the village boy shot 6 bullets

New Delhi: A news from Rohtak, Haryana has worried people who believe in women empowerment. The women of the country should read this news very carefully. This whole incident happened on 1st December. On that day a 19-year-old girl named Tanishka Sharma was married in Rohtak, Haryana.

After the wedding, when the groom left for his house with the bride, a car started chasing him. After going about 30 km away, 5 people sitting in this car attacked the bride and she was shot not one but two but 6 bullets. Think how much hatred must have been in the mind of the accused towards this girl.

The name of this accused boy is Mohammad Sahil, who lives in his village, where this girl’s parents’ house is.

His family alleges that this boy was harassing their girl for the last one year. On many occasions, he also tried to convince him with the help of the people of the village. But still this cycle did not stop. There is talk of women empowerment in our country and seminars and annual conferences are also organized on this issue. But not much changes at the ground level. Even today, when women are fired, in most cases the hand that fired the bullet is of a man.

In this case, the police have arrested 4 more people, of whom three are minors. These minor boys had attended the wedding of this girl and were also monitoring her for their friend Sahil.

The other aspect related to this news is this 19-year-old girl herself. Who is still fighting for her death in the hospital after getting 6 bullets. Till now doctors have been able to remove only one bullet and the condition of this girl is still critical. This incident has shocked this girl so deeply that even during treatment, she is constantly trying to say something to her family by making gestures.

It may be that today many of you must be thinking that what is new in this news? There are about 1100 incidents of crime against women in India every day. That is, on an average, there is some incident of crime against 46 women every hour. Crime against women has become so common that incidents against them do not surprise us much. We feel that the society which starts ignoring crime and injustice, that society becomes like a dead person.

Mohammad Sahil did not even think even once before hitting Tanishka with 6 bullets because he wanted to show his false masculinity by doing so. But there are many decisions in life that you should consider many times before taking them.