Smartphones are spoiling the relationship between parents and children!

New Delhi. Of course, smartphones have made human life very easy, but due to this many problems have also arisen. A recent study has revealed that smartphones are also working to increase the gap between children and parents. Almost 90 percent of parents accept this. Parents admitted that children exhibit signs of aggression due to excessive use of their smartphones. Along with this, there is also a lack of acceptable moral and social behavior in children.

The ‘quality time’ spent with children is also getting worse as 80 percent of the parents are still using the phone while spending time with the children. 74 percent of Indian parents feel that their relationship with their children can be spoiled because of smartphones.
Chinese smartphone maker, Vivo has announced the findings of its third edition of the study ‘Impact of Smartphones on Human Relationship 2021’ conducted with CMR. It focuses on the behavioral impact on children due to excessive use of mobile devices by both children and their parents.

Studies show that more than 80% of people agree that smartphones help increase their productivity and improve their quality of life. However, excessive use of smartphones is causing addiction among parents and spoiling the relationship with their children.

The survey said that the average daily time spent on smartphones (post-Covid) remains at an alarming level, as the time spent on smartphones has increased by 32% before Kovid.

Yogendra Sriramula, newly appointed Director of Brand Strategy, Vivo India, said, “Excessive use is affecting human relationships and behaviour. In 2019 and 2020, Vivo focused on the broader impact of relationships in its study. In the 2021 Vivo-CMR study, we wanted to ask parents about something their unconscious mind already has – whether excessive smartphone use is hindering their relationships with their children and affecting their psychological and cognitive abilities. affecting development? As a brand that wants to bring happiness to people, this study is indeed a message to parents that they should be mindful of their smartphone usage, especially while using them with their kids.”