(Sensation ) .
(Sensation ) .

Sensation recorded from cockpit camera

New Delhi. The dispute between China and America regarding the South China Sea is not hidden from anyone. In this episode, on May 26 last week, the fighter planes of both the countries came face to face with each other. China is shocked when the American plane comes so close to the border. He called it an act of provocation(Sensation ) . At the same time, America says that they have not violated any kind of rule. His fighter plane was outside the Chinese border. He was flying in the international maritime border.

The video of this incident has been shared by the security agencies of America on Wednesday morning. In which it can be seen that the fighter planes of both the countries are face to face. This video has been made from the cockpit of an American fighter plane. The beginning of the video reads, “Unclassified (unclassified) 26 May 2023, in an unprofessional manner PRC J-16 of China chased our ship. This incident came to light in the international border in the South China Sea. With the tweet, the caption from the US side wrote, “We hope that all countries in the Indo-Pacific region use airspace under international law with security.”

On this tweet made by America, China was bound to feel chilly. In such a situation, a statement came out from his side also on this whole episode. When asked the question, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said, “America has been closely monitoring near China borders for a long time. This is harmful to China’s sovereignty and security. Such activities pose a threat to the security of the sea. America should immediately stop this provocation action.