Saurabh Kripal India’s first gay judge

New Delhi. The Supreme Court Collegium has recommended the appointment of senior advocate Saurabh Kripal as a judge of the Delhi High Court. If this recommendation of the collegium is approved, Saurabh Kripal will become India’s first gay judge. Kripal publicly describes himself as gay and has been raising his voice on gay issues.

Giving information in this regard, a statement has been issued by the Supreme Court that a meeting of the collegium was held on November 11. Saurabhi Kripal’s name was recommended in this meeting. Earlier in March this year, former Chief Justice of India SA Bobde had asked the central government to make Saurabh Kripal a judge and asked the central government to explain its opinion about it.

This is not the first time that Saurabh Kripal has been asked to be made a judge. Before this it has happened four times when his name was discussed but everyone gave their different opinion. Saurabh Kripal’s name was first recommended by the collegium in 2017 for being made a judge of the Delhi High Court.

Saurabhi Kripal obtained a law degree from Oxford University after graduating from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. After this he did his postgraduate (law) from Cambridge University itself. Saurabhi Kripal has practiced in the Supreme Court for a long time. He has also worked with the United Nations in Geneva. Saurabh Kripal is well known for the case of Navtej Singh Johar vs Union of India. Actually he was the lawyer of the petitioner for the removal of Section 377. In September 2018, the law regarding Section 377 was struck down by the Supreme Court.