Riots spread in 3 cities

Riots: Violent incidents took place in different districts at the same time on Friday in Maharashtra. Cars were set on fire. Hundreds of shops were ransacked and stones were pelted on the police too. The alleged riots of Tripura are being said to be the reason behind this violence.

In fact, on October 26, it was reported that riots have erupted against the Muslim community in Tripura. In which some people have also destroyed a mosque. Later, the Tripura Police rubbished these reports and said that the talk of burning Muslim houses there is a pure rumour. This rumor spread like fire in different states of India and in Maharashtra it took the form of violence.

Thousands of people vandalized Nanded-Amravati
In Nanded district, a furious mob pelted stones at the police for an hour. Apart from this, some people were seen vandalizing vehicles and shops in a CCTV footage. This violent mob targeted only those shops whose owners belonged to other religions. Those who did not keep their shops closed in support of the movement. In this violence, 7 people including an A SP, an inspector have been injured.

In Amravati district, a crowd of 10 thousand people was pelting stones at the police. During the foot march, when this crowd saw that some people had not closed their shops even after being told by them, they started vandalizing those shops. It is being told that more than 40 shops were destroyed there and stones were also thrown at some houses.

Violent mobs also targeted the police and common people in Malegaon. The first rallies were held here. Muslim religious leaders and leaders gave speeches and after that when a foot march was taken out, vehicles and shops were set on fire. The fear of this violence spread so much among the people there that even the owners of the shops which were open earlier also closed them and hid in their homes.

This bandh was called by Raza Academy, an Islamic organization in Maharashtra. This is the same organization that had called a rally at Azad Maidan in Mumbai against the violence in Assam in August 2012 and the riots against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. Even then the crowd turned violent in this rally and destroyed the Amar Jawan Jyoti. Arup Patnaik was then the police commissioner of Mumbai city, who was transferred.

Last month there was massive violence against Hindus in Bangladesh. At that time, radical Muslim organizations had set fire to Durga Puja pandals and even killed some Hindus. A rally was taken out in Tripura on 26 October in protest against this violence. After this there was a rumor that the houses of Muslims have been burnt in this rally.

According to the Tripura Police, this information was completely wrong, for which it has registered a case against 102 people under the Unlawful Activities Act. Some of them are journalists and lawyers too. The matter is also to be heard in the Supreme Court itself. Under this law, a case is registered when the police feel that that person has tried to endanger the sovereignty and integrity of the nation.