Relationship made for five consecutive hours without a break

Washington: American model Amanda Nicholl, who is passionate about her sex life, has told how she had sex with her boyfriend for five consecutive hours and after that the boyfriend had to go to the hospital. Nicole, who posted her hot photos on the adult site, says that she has still not forgotten the embarrassment of ‘that night’.

27-year-old Amanda Nicole, who lives in Las Vegas, USA, has told the story of her first sex on the Michael Sartain podcast. She said that she was excited about sex for the first time and was eagerly waiting for the moment when she would be very close to her boyfriend. Amanda decorated the entire house to make that night memorable and herself wore sexy lingerie.

The model said, ‘When my boyfriend saw me in sexy lingerie, he went crazy. After that we forgot everything and started having sex. This process continued for about five hours without any break. We were both completely bathed in sweat. When we stopped for a break, I asked my boyfriend if he had taken any medicine, his answer was ‘Viagra’. Amanda told that after this both of them went to sleep and at around three o’clock in the night the boyfriend woke them from their sleep.

Amanda said, ‘He woke me up from sleep and said that I have to go to the doctor, because there is unbearable pain in his private part. When I saw his private part, I was surprised, it had turned completely purple. It looked like it would explode. After this Amanda and her boyfriend reached the hospital, where the doctor gave her Morphine, but to no avail. The model said, ‘The doctors were also surprised as to what was happening. After this the doctor took a needle and extracted blood from the boyfriend’s private part, then he got relief after going somewhere.

Three years after this incident, Amanda broke up with her boyfriend. In fact, Amanda’s boyfriend told her that she had taken a special market drug, not Viagra, to prolong sex, which porn stars use, so that they can have sex for a long time. However, after hearing the truth, Amanda did not get angry with the boyfriend, instead she once had sex in the same way, but this time she could not last that long.