Problems in love life due to lunar eclipse

Last lunar eclipse: Tomorrow is the last lunar eclipse of the year. It is worth noting that the strong effect of lunar eclipse lasts for 15 days. Also, any person is affected by lunar eclipse for 6 months due to some reason or the other. It is being told that the lunar eclipse is going to take place on November 8. This will have a huge impact on the love live of many people. This eclipse can ruin the married life of many people. Relationships of many people can also be broken by the last lunar eclipse of the year. Therefore, you must take such measures by which your relationship becomes strong, so let us tell you one such remedy below. Due to which love will remain in your life and you will not have any quarrel with your partner.

do this remedy
Take three whole cloves and apply some kajal on all the cloves. After applying kajal on all the three cloves, you have to knead it with thread and make it like a garland and offer it to the Shivling. Let us tell you that while offering this in Shivling, you have to wish to end all the troubles related to your life. Simultaneously, you have to take the name of your partner or husband and wife thrice. Let us tell you that you have to do this remedy before or after the eclipse is over.

When will the lunar eclipse happen?
The Sutak period of the lunar eclipse is starting tomorrow i.e. on November 08 at 01:32 in the afternoon, it will end at 07.27 in the evening. The lunar eclipse in India will start on November 08 at 05:29 in the evening, which will end at 06.19 in the evening.