( hand )
  ( hand )

One’s hand was blown off while making a bomb  ( hand )

Allahabad: Two former students were injured in a bomb blast in the PCB hostel of Allahabad Central University. In this blast, the hand  ( hand ) of a former student named Prabhat Yadav was blown off, while his friend Pratyush Singh is also seriously injured. Prabhat Yadav was admitted to Swaroop Rani Hospital for treatment. While Pratyush Singh was injured and ran away from the hospital after switching off his mobile. It has been learned that he is undergoing treatment in a private nursing home.
Both former students were living illegally
After getting information about the incident, the PCB Hostel Superintendent also reached the spot. PCB Hostel Superintendent Sujit Singh said that both were living illegally in room number 68 of the hostel. The student in whose name room number 68 is allotted has gone home on leave. Late night, a case has been registered by the hostel superintendent against the two injured former students on charges of illegally staying in the hostel and making explosives.

Huge explosion in room number 68
According to the information, there was an explosion in room number 68 of PCB Hostel of Allahabad University on Wednesday evening. Former students Prabhat Yadav and Pratyush Singh present in the room were injured. The explosion was so severe that the hand of Prabhat Yadav, who was making the bomb, was completely blown off. While other parts of the body were also seriously injured. Pratyush Singh, another former student present with him, was also injured. When the students present in other rooms of the hostel reached the spot, Prabhat Yadav was lying injured and soaked in blood. Pratyush was also injured. Other students of the hostel somehow took both of them to the hospital in injured condition. Colonelganj police also reached there. Meanwhile, Pratyush Singh ran away from the hospital out of fear of the police.
Investigation into the case continues
On the complaint of the Colonelganj Police Superintendent, a case has been registered against both of them and has started investigation. According to the police, all aspects of bomb making in the hostel room are being thoroughly investigated and further action will be taken on the basis of whatever facts emerge in the investigation.