one crore in the account

London: Due to a mistake of the bank, a serious crisis has arisen in front of a person living in Britain. The money which he had bought a luxurious house considering as his own, now that amount is being sought back with interest. The person does not understand what to do. At the same time, the bank has distanced itself by saying ‘sorry’.

About £1,10,000 (Rs 1.09 crore) was gradually deposited in the account of Russell Alexander, living in Norfolk, UK. When Russell checked his account, he was blown away. He immediately contacted the bank. It was told from the bank that they have inherited this money and they can use it. Russell’s happiness knew no bounds after hearing this. He bought a luxurious house, but now the story has completely turned. Please tell that Russell has been a customer of the same bank for the last 40 years.

On 29 December 2020, £30,000 was deposited in Russell’s account. On this, he contacted the bank’s website chat service, but there was no response from the bank. After some time when the money was deposited in his account again, he called the bank. Russell claims that the bank official told him that this money looked like a direct inheritance fund so he could use it. After this, Russell and his partner sold their old seven-bedroom house and bought a new house worth 2,37,500 pounds (Rs 2.36 crore).

After about nine months, the bank realized its mistake and has now asked 54-year-old Russell to return the entire money along with interest. The bank says that someone had mistakenly deposited money in Russell’s account, so now they have to return that money. Russell alleges that the bank has also confiscated his house and he is forced to live in a very small house. He said, ‘If I don’t get one crore in my account, I would never buy a new house. One mistake of the bank has ruined my life. The bank is offering me 500 pounds as compensation, what good will it do’.