Must include millet in the diet in winter

Health from millet: The winter season has started. During this, people include many things in the diet to stay healthy and also exclude many things from the diet. This time, if you include millet in your diet in this winter season, then it can be very beneficial for your health. You can easily consume millet through things like roti, paratha, khichdi and laddoos. Let us tell you that the effect of millet is hot, as well as calcium, manganese, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin B, magnesium and many types of antioxidants are found in it. Which help in providing health not one but many benefits. Let us know what are the benefits of including millet in your diet.

Digestion stays right
Digestion remains better by including roti, paratha or any dish made from millet in the diet. A lot of fiber is found in millet. It helps in maintaining proper digestion.

Maintains blood sugar level
By including millet in your diet, the blood sugar level remains fine. For this reason, diabetic patients are advised to eat millet flour.

Provides nutrition and energy
Bajra is rich in calcium, manganese, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin B, magnesium and many types of antioxidants. For this reason, by including millet in your diet, your body gets nutrition and energy.

bones get stronger

A lot of calcium is found in millet. Which proves helpful in making bones strong.
warms the body
By including millet in the diet, it gives warmth to the body. It helps in maintaining the body temperature. Due to which it helps to keep away problems like cold, cough.

lowers bad cholesterol
Bajra also contains a vitamin called niacin, which helps in reducing bad cholesterol. Due to which the risk of getting heart disease is also reduced.

controls blood pressure
Potassium and magnesium are also found in large quantities in millet. Due to which it also helps in controlling blood pressure.