(dangerous )
(dangerous )

know how dangerous(dangerous ) this weapon is

New Delhi. Indian Defense Ministry is going to make a big deal with America before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to America. The Ministry of Defense has approved the purchase of Predator drones from America. This deal will be around three billion dollars. If you understand in Indian currency, this deal worth about 246 billion rupees has been given the green signal before PM Modi’s visit to America. India had been wanting to buy this drone technology for a long time but the whole matter had gone in cold storage. Israel and America are the only countries that currently have drones of this technology available. After the delivery of the drone, India’s security will increase manifold.

The specialty of the Predator (dangerous ) drone is that once it takes off, it can stay in the air for about 35 hours. Also, this drone can monitor an area of 1,900 kilometers at a time. This unmanned drone powered by special technology is capable of identifying the enemy with the help of its electric sensor. It also has missile systems which once the target is locked have the ability to destroy the enemy. Indian Air Force officers will be able to operate it by sitting in the control room.

Awaiting approval from CCS
The Predator drone deal was approved after a meeting of the Defense Acquisition Council of the Ministry of Defense on Thursday. However, it is mandatory to take other approvals before this deal is done in India itself. After the approval of the Defense Ministry, now the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) will take the final decision. After the news of this deal comes in the media, the concerns of neighboring countries China and Pakistan are going to increase. With the help of this technology, India can increase the difficulties of China in the Indo-Pacific region. At the same time, it is sure to blow the senses of Pakistani rulers in the Arabian Sea.
