Keep an eye on these 5 warnings of Baba Venga

New Delhi. Baba Venga is known for his accurate predictions. Despite being blind from a young age, Bulgarian psychic Baba Venga developed extraordinary psychic abilities that earned him worldwide fame. Baba Venga is said to have accurately predicted many events including the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the rise of ISIS. His followers believe that he had a premonition of the end of the world in the year 5079.

Now, one of Baba Venga’s big predictions for 2023 regarding a possible solar storm is now coming true. Scientists suggest that the Sun may be emerging from a period of relative calm lasting about a decade, causing problems on Earth. Solar flares during the Sun’s active phase release a surge of electromagnetic energy that can disrupt various systems, including power grids and GPS signals. These episodes, known as solar maximum, occur approximately every 11 years and have not been of any significant concern in the past.

The Carrington event of 1859 showed that a solar storm could have devastating consequences on Earth’s technological infrastructure. Since then, our dependence on technology has only increased, making us vulnerable to such incidents. If a solar storm hits Earth in 2023, it could cause massive power outages, which could overwhelm our communication and transportation systems. In turn, this can lead to social chaos and financial crisis. The effects of such storms can be felt for years, causing widespread disruption to our daily lives.

Along with this, there are other predictions of Baba Venga for the year 2023 which are as follows:

Changes in Earth’s Orbit: Earth’s orbit may change in 2023, causing serious environmental consequences due to shifting of gravitational forces.
A biological weapon atrocity: The blind psychic predicted that a major country would conduct a bioweapon test in 2023, risking a possible lab leak and violating the Biological Weapons Convention. The prediction seems relevant to the current geopolitical context.
Nuclear plant explosion: He foresaw an explosion in a nuclear power plant, which caused toxic clouds to rise over Asia and spread to other countries, causing serious diseases.
Human birth in laboratories: The mystic woman also predicted that from 2023 onwards, human babies would be born in laboratories where their physical appearance and character could be controlled, thereby completely changing the process of birth.
Alien Invasion: Baba Venga predicted an alien invasion in 2023, in which extraterrestrials were hostile and would cause the death of millions.