Include more and more fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Thyroid. Thyroid is a type of gland which is also called the metabolic powerhouse of the body. Thyroid gland helps our body to work better and keeps the body healthy. But if you are suffering from the problem of hypo-thyroidism, then its first symptom can be called rapid weight gain. According to Very Well Health, but the good thing is that you can reduce the increased weight due to thyroid disturbances by making changes in lifestyle and diet. So let us tell you today what changes should be made in the diet to reduce the increased weight due to thyroid.

How to reduce the weight increased by thyroid

High intake of fruits and vegetables
When you include more and more fruits and vegetables in your diet, then more and more healthy components and nutrition go to your body while calories are reduced. Due to which your body is able to remain more and more active and weight does not increase.

increase fiber intake
When you consume more fiber, it cleans your stomach better and makes you feel full for longer.

high quality protein
When you include more protein in the diet, it improves your metabolism and keeps you from hunger for a long time.

selenium rich food
If you consume selenium rich food ie Brazil nut, then it keeps thyroid function healthy.

grain intake
If you consume more and more grains i.e. wheat, corn, pulses etc. in your diet, then there is no shortage of fiber, minerals, nutrition etc. in the diet. While it does not increase weight.