( cocaine)
( cocaine)

Imran Khan consumes cocaine ( cocaine)and alcohol

Islamabad. The difficulties of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan are increasing day by day. On Friday, the Government of Pakistan released his medical report. In this report, many shocking revelations have been made regarding his health. In the report, questions have also been raised on his mental condition. Not only this, he was shot during a rally last year. His leg fracture that happened after this incident has been termed as a sham.

Pakistan’s Health Minister Abdul Qadir has put Imran Khan’s medical report in front of the people through a press conference. Qadir has told that his urine sample was taken on May 9 after he was arrested in the Al Qadir Trust case. In whose investigation it has been found that he used to use drugs like cocaine ( cocaine) and alcohol.

‘This is your Prime Minister about whom a five-member panel of senior doctors is saying that his mental stability is doubtful. There were some inappropriate indications. He said Khan’s medical report would be shown to the nation as it is a “public document”. ‘Dawn News’ quoted the minister as saying, ‘The medical report is saying that when we spoke to Imran for a long time, his actions were not like that of a healthy person.’

Patel also alleged that the preliminary report of Khan’s urine sample showed the presence of toxic substances “like alcohol and cocaine”. The minister also claimed that there was no mention of any fracture (broken bone) in the leg in Khan’s medical report, even though he was “putting his leg in plaster for five-six months”.

Khan narrowly escaped an assassination attempt on November 3 last year during a march against the federal government in Punjab province. He had bullet injuries in his right calf and thigh. Patel said, ‘Have you ever seen anyone applying a plaster to a wound on the skin or muscle?’ The minister said he would write to the disciplinary body of the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) for disciplinary action against the doctor who It was ‘wrong’ to announce that Khan had a broken leg.

Describing the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman as narcissistic, Patel said the former prime minister “should be kept in a museum.” He said, “Being a narcissist, he sticks to his lies and He is called true. This self-obsessed person is provoking people and taking the youth on the wrong path.

Khan’s medical report was made public amid a crackdown on PTI and its supporters for violence that broke out across Pakistan following Khan’s arrest from the premises of the Islamabad High Court in a corruption case.