If there is continuous pain in the ear and this pain does not go away quickly

Throat cancer: According to WHO, cancer was responsible for the death of more than one crore people in 2020. Cancer cases have started increasing rapidly in India too. According to the statistics of India Against Cancer, 27 lakh people are undergoing cancer treatment in India. In 2020, about 8.5 lakh people died related to cancer. According to statistics, tobacco is responsible for 25 to 30 percent of cancer deaths, while poor diet is responsible for 30 to 35 percent of cancer deaths. At the same time, 15 to 20 percent of deaths are due to infection and for the rest radiation, stress, physical activity, environment and pollution. That is, bad habits like tobacco, gutkha increase the risk of cancer manifold.

In most cases of throat cancer, some bad habits are mainly responsible. Cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco, gutkha play a big role in this. Therefore, if attention is paid to the signs of throat cancer on time, then this deadly disease can be avoided. Dr. Ramdev Lamoria, doctor of Paras Homeopathy in Jodhpur, explains that throat cancer can be easily identified. He told that throat cancer can occur in three parts of the throat. These are Firings, Lyrings and Tonsils. If there is cancer in these three parts, then it is called throat cancer. He said that voice is generated through the vocal cord. That’s why the vocal cord is very sensitive. Cancer affects this organ.

causes of throat cancer
Dr. Aditya Sarin, Associate Consultant, Cancer Department, Sir Gangaram Hospital, said that in most cases of throat cancer, bad habits like smoking, tobacco and gutkha addiction are responsible. Apart from this, alcohol and human papilloma virus and the virus responsible for genital warts can also be responsible for this.

symptoms of throat cancer

1. Change in voice – Dr. Ramdev Lamoria tells that it starts with very small problems. Heaviness or change in voice is an early symptom of throat cancer. He said that due to cancer, hoarseness starts coming in the voice. If this change in voice is not cured for two weeks, then you should immediately go to the doctor.
2. Cough- In some cancers of the throat, phlegm remains. This causes cough. Even there is difficulty in breathing. If there is phlegm for a long time, do not ignore it.

3. Difficulty in swallowing- When there is difficulty in swallowing food, it seems like food is hanging in the throat, then one should go to the doctor immediately. This could be a sign of throat cancer.

4-Weight loss- There is a reduction in weight in case of any type of cancer. Therefore, if there is a sudden decrease in weight without any reason, then the doctor should be contacted immediately.

5. Ear pain- Ears also remain in the neck. Therefore, if there is constant pain in the ear and this pain does not go away quickly, then it can be a sign of throat cancer.

6. Swelling below the neck- If there is swelling in the lower part of the neck and it is not getting cured even with treatment, then it can be the cause of cancer. In this case contact the doctor immediately.