( intimacy)
 ( intimacy)

How to bring back the desire for intimacy? ( intimacy)

Women’s sexual desire: Due to the Corona virus epidemic, the whole world came to a standstill, due to the lockdown imposed due to this, we were imprisoned in our homes. Many people lost their lives due to Covid, those who survived started feeling the grief of losing their loved ones. However, apart from this, there have been many other damages which are not often talked about. According to a study published in BMC Public Health Journal, the sexual                   ( intimacy)  desires of many women have decreased after the Corona period.

Research revealed women’s ‘heart’s talk’

This research was done in January 2022 in which a total of 21 studies were analyzed, and it was found that women are struggling more with sexual desires than men. “I’ve been hearing about this for the first few months of the pandemic, and it’s definitely a trend that’s continuing,” said A Marriage and Family Therapist from the city of Santa Barbara in the US state of California. She said that if you and your If there is lack of desire between partners then this solution is the solution.

How to arouse sexual desires?
1. Emotional connect is important
Many women have become victims of stress due to Covid-19, it is obvious that during stress there is no desire to do anything good. If you want to awaken sexual desire in yourself, then increase your emotional connect with your partner or husband.
2. Give quality time
After a long time in a marriage or relationship, sexual desires often start decreasing, you will be able to increase emotional connect only when you spend quality time with your partner. For this, remember the old happy days and plan to hang out or eat with your spouse. If it is not possible to travel outside, then cook something good at home and eat the food together. If you want, you can also sit and watch your favorite movie together.
3. Give priority to quality sex
If you are having sex just considering it a part of regular life, then it is a big mistake. Make your sexual relationship a quality one. Get intimate with your partner like you did when you first met. If you do not do this then your relationship will remain boring.
4. Assess yourself
It is better that you ask yourself whether the efforts you are making to bring back some intimacy are enough or not. When you assess yourself, your sexual desires will gradually improve.
5. See a doctor
There are many women who experience severe pain in their private parts while having sex, after which they are afraid of getting intimate. If something like this is happening to you, then it is better to contact a specialist doctor and get the necessary tests done. Generally women take less doctor’s advice than men. However, this trend should be changed.