
..Hamas’ plan was very dangerous(..Hamas’)

Tel Aviv: Palestinian militant group Hamas  (..Hamas’) laid out a detailed plan to target primary schools and a youth center in the Israeli kibbutz of Kfar Saad to ‘kill as many people as possible’, capture hostages and transport them to the Gaza Strip Was.

The attack plan, described in Arabic as ‘top secret’, shows that two trained Hamas units were ordered to surround and infiltrate Israeli villages, as well as target areas where civilians gathered. Are there. According to NBC News, Israeli officials have not yet determined the death toll in Kfar Saad.

Israeli Defense Forces confirmed on Saturday that more than 120 civilians have been taken captive by Hamas in Gaza. Documents found on the bodies of Hamas militants included detailed maps and indicated that Hamas intended to kill or take hostages of civilians.

A page titled ‘Top Secret’ included details of the plan for the attack on Kafr Saad, in which ‘Combat Unit 1’ was asked to ‘contain the new dot school’, while ‘Combat Unit 2’ was to take ‘hostages. It was said to ‘collect’, ‘find the Bnei Akiva youth center’ and ‘find the old dat school’.
Another page titled ‘Top Secret Maneuver’ outlines a plan for a Hamas unit to secure the eastern part of Kafr Saad, while another unit of the terror group is said to control the west. According to the plan, Hamas units were instructed to “kill as many people as possible” and “capture hostages.” Additionally, Hamas units were asked to surround a dining hall and hold hostages inside.

The plan to attack Kafr Saad is part of documents being analyzed by Israeli authorities. According to Israeli officials, the documents showed that Hamas was systematically gathering intelligence on every kibbutz sharing the border with Gaza and planning specific attacks for each village, including deliberately targeting women and children. Making was involved.