
Good news for those who take medicine daily(medicine)

High Blood Pressure: According to WHO data, 1.28 billion people worldwide are victims of high blood pressure. Most of these people’s blood pressure is not cured without medicine and they have to take medicine  (medicine) daily. But now this will not have to be done. Scientists have invented a medicine which, if taken today, will relieve high blood pressure for 6 months. That means blood pressure will remain normal for 6 months. However, this medicine is an injection which will have to be administered once in 6 months. The name of this medicine is-Zilebesiran. This medicine enables the body to stop the liver from producing a chemical called angiotensin. Angiotensin is a chemical that increases contraction of blood vessels, which increases blood pressure. By blocking this angiotensin, Zilabesiran will reduce the contraction of blood vessels, which will prevent blood pressure from increasing.

Good news for those who forget their daily medicines
The details of this drug have been presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Session 2023. According to the report, at present high blood pressure patients need to take medicine every day. In such a situation, there are many people who forget to take medicines daily. It becomes very difficult for them. Due to this, the risk of having heart related problems increases at any time. Nowadays, as the cases of heart attack or cardiac arrest are increasing, every person needs to get his blood pressure checked but people do not do so. In the news of Healthline, Interventional Cardiologist Dr. Cheng Han Chen said that the reality is that most of the high blood pressure patients are not able to take the medicines recommended by the doctor daily. In this respect, this injection will prove to be a milestone.

This is how gilbesiran will reduce blood pressure
In the research, the effect of Zilbesiran injection was tested on 394 people. The systolic blood pressure of these people remained between 135 and 160. Systolic blood pressure means how much pressure it exerts on the arteries when the blood comes in contact with the heart. The average systolic blood pressure of the people included in the study was 142 mm Hg. These people were given injections ranging from 150 mg to 600 mg every 6 months. After 6 months, the test showed that blood pressure was dramatically controlled in those who were injected. Dr. Vivek Bhalla, Director of Hypertension Center at Stanford Medicine, said that it has been proved in the study that this injection remains very effective for 3 to 6 months and reduces systolic blood pressure by 20%. This injection will be needed once in 3 or 6 months. Soon this injection will pass the legal process and come into the market.