getting rid of facial hair

Facial hair: If you also want to get rid of facial hair, then this news is of your use. Dead skin cells, dark spots and facial hair are all reasons that can cause skin to lose its glow. Skin experts say that some facial hair is thicker and grows faster than others. In such a situation, there is a problem in taking care of the skin and using makeup products.

Threading, waxing and laser treatments are all options in the market to remove unwanted facial hair, but these treatments are quite expensive and last for some time. In such a situation, you can remove unwanted facial hair with the help of some natural ingredients. Know about them below…

home remedies to remove facial hair

  1. Turmeric and Papaya

First cut the papaya piece into small pieces.
Make a paste by mashing them together, then add half a teaspoon of turmeric to it.
Mix well and apply only on those places where unwanted hair has grown.
Leave them on for 15-20 minutes.
Massage for few minutes.
After that wash thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Use this home remedy to remove facial hair twice a week.
Benefits- Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which is known to help remove facial hair, and turmeric makes the skin healthy and glowing.

  1. Oatmeal and Banana

First of all, take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 ripe banana.
Massage the skin in circular motions.
Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before washing it off with water.
You can use it at least once a week.
Benefits- This face pack is helpful in removing facial hair. Oatmeal’s grainy texture makes it a great exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and facial hair.

  1. Gelatin and Milk

First of all take 3 tablespoons milk, one teaspoon without gelatin powder
Now add few drops of lemon juice to it.
Now microwave it for 20 seconds and mix well.
After that apply it evenly on your face.
Remove it after drying for a few minutes.
Benefits- This mask made of gelatin and milk is effective in removing thick facial hair.

  1. Lemon and Sugar

First, mix sugar, lemon juice and a little water in a bowl.
It can be used either cold or slightly heated, until it becomes a sticky paste.
Apply a thin layer on the unwanted hair on your face.
Massage for few minutes and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
After that wash thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Benefit- This face mask of sugar and lemon can prove to be effective for removing unwanted facial hair.