New Delhi. After a day’s work and fatigue, getting a good sleep is a pleasant experience. But this experience is not the same for everyone. Some people generally go through so much stress and anxiety that they do not get a good sleep. As soon as they come to bed to sleep, their mind becomes restless and unstable. In such a situation, adopt these effective tips to calm your restless mind and get a good sleep– (sleep. )
Take peppermint tea
Essential oil is found in peppermint which provides relief to the muscles. It is a caffeine free beverage, the consumption of which calms the mind and induces good sleep. Drink peppermint tea before sleeping and calm your restless mind.
Follow sleep time hygiene
Improve your sleeping environment. Use clean bedsheets. Light a dim light. Keep the room temperature balanced, neither too high nor too low.
Listen to soft music
Listening to soft music before sleeping reduces blood pressure, improves breathing rate and improves sleep quality. This relieves insomnia and anxiety.
Turn off screen time
The blue light emitted from the screen disturbs the body’s circadian cycle because blue light slows down the production of melatonin (sleep hormone), which affects sleep. Also, reels and posts seen on social media force us to compare our lives with others’ lives, which increases anxiety.
Write a diary
If the mind is restless while sleeping, then journaling is a great way to deal with it. Write down all the thoughts coming to your mind that disturb you. By dumping the thoughts, you feel mentally free, which leads to better sleep.
Breathing exercises
Breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom, Pranayama, Military Sleep Technique promote good sleep. Meditating peacefully with closed eyes also helps in getting good sleep. During this time, let the thoughts come and go. By doing meditation regularly, there comes a time when you are able to focus completely and the stress-creating thoughts fade away from your mind.