
Fake job racket operates from Myanmar(Myanmar) 

Myanmar: In the year 2022, when the world was trying to recover from the Corona period. Then one after the other, news of citizens being trapped in fake job scams started coming from many countries of South East Asia. From Thailand alone, the Government of India has safely rescued 320 Indian citizens trapped in such scams and sent them to India.

Fake job racket operates from Myanmar
Actually, this fake job racket operates from Myanmar. (Myanmar)  These people call people to different countries of Asia by luring them with good jobs. In this entire process, countries like Thailand and Laos PDR are used as transit points. After reaching these countries, passports are snatched from the people and they are tortured. If the target of any work is not completed, they are beaten up.

This game started after the military coup

Indian Ambassador to Thailand Nagesh Singh said that after the military coup in Myanmar, all these scams are being operated from this land. After the military coup, due to the absence of a government there, many rebel groups are operating in different areas. It is also very challenging for the Indian Government to rescue the people trapped in such job scams.

So far 448 Indian citizens have been rescued

Along with this, Indian Ambassador Nagesh also told that the Indian Government has so far rescued 488 citizens from another country of South East Asia, Laos PDR, and sent them back to their country. Not only Indians but citizens of many other countries of South East Asia also get trapped in this fake job scam. All the countries of South East Asia see it as a transnational crime.

Advisory has been issued
He said that the Indian Embassy also issues advisory from time to time for its citizens to not fall prey to these scams. Those citizens who despite this get stuck in other countries are evacuated from there. Amid the current situation in Myanmar, dealing with these fake job scam gangs has become a challenge for all the countries of South East Asia.