(Eye flu )
(Eye flu )

Eye flu (Eye flu )will get relief in 24 hours

Eye flu: The disease of eye flu (Eye flu )  is still not taking its name. Thousands of people are suffering from this disease. This eye infection, which is going on for three to seven days, is not getting completely cured even in 10-10 days, and the symptoms of conjunctivitis remain along with redness in the eyes. There can also be some serious eye disease behind this. On the other hand, health experts associated with Ayurveda medicine say that your daily food and drink can also be a big reason behind eye flu, which you cannot even think about.

Dr. Ankur Tripathi, Ophthalmologist at All India Institute of Ayurveda, says that though it is possible to have eye infection during the rainy season, but this time the reason for the rapid spread of viral conjunctivitis i.e. eye flu is that this time people had earlier Didn’t take any precautions. It is because of forgetting the precaution taken during the corona that people come in contact with a person infected with eye flu. Let’s touch them. In Ayurveda, many reasons have been given for the spread of infection like eye flu, such as by touching the clothes of an infected person, sleeping together, eating food together, shaking hands, hugging, their clothes like towel, handkerchief, pot, etc. Eye flu can also be caused by using pillow, bed etc. or by repeatedly touching mouth, eyes etc. with your hands. At the same time, it is spreading rapidly even by going to metro trains, buses, public vehicles or public places.
cause of one eye to spread to the other eye
If there is conjunctivitis in one eye and you touch it or rub it when it is itching, then without washing your hands with soap, touch the other eye with the same hand, then the other eye also gets infected. Due to this, the white part of the eyes i.e. the conjunctiva becomes inflamed and it reaches the inner layer of the eyelids. On the other hand, when the micro blood vessels of the white part get swollen, then this white part of the eyes starts looking red or pink.

food is also responsible
Dr. Ankur says that it is always advisable to eat pure, light, digestible and hygienically prepared food during the rainy season. Eating heavy, fat or oily food in this season can cause mango in the stomach or even constipation. Digestive power is weak during the rainy season, in such a situation there is a problem of indigestion or not digesting food properly. This is the reason why the chances of developing eye diseases increase in this season. On the other hand, if there is a virus infection, then there is a possibility of spreading very fast viruses like adenovirus of eye flu due to bad food and drink.

Dr. Ankur says that to avoid any kind of infection in this season, eat freshly prepared food. At the same time, eat a little less than the hunger you are feeling. In this season, do not eat stale and cold or food kept in the fridge for a long time. In this season, due to moisture in spices and food items, there is more problem of fungus etc., so use it after observing everything. Make sure to follow the rules of diet.

be careful like corona
Dr. Ankur says that if you are careful on time and keep doing simple treatment, then it can be cured in three-seven days, but proper consultation of the doctor is necessary. If even after this the eye disease is not getting cured, then definitely show it to an eye specialist. It is possible that there is some other disease in the eye instead of flu. Along with this, keep the food right. Patients should avoid taking medicines directly from the medical or putting steroids or eye drops made from it. Along with this, keep in mind activities like sanitiser, washing hands repeatedly with soap, not touching eyes to prevent virus like corona.