Due to stress, cortisol hormone is released in our body.

Reason for stress: Stress is spreading like an epidemic around the world. People of all ages are facing stress. From personal life to professional life, people live under stress every day. Due to prolonged stress, our physical and mental health is badly affected. Some people resort to yoga and exercise to avoid this problem. Most of the people keep ignoring this problem. Do you know that excessive stress can damage the brain and make you a brain patient? You might be shocked to hear this, but it is true. Excessive stress is the enemy of your mind. Today we will tell you about the mental problems caused by stress, which you will be surprised to hear.

Brain can shrink due to stress
So far, it has been revealed in many studies that due to taking excessive stress, your brain can shrink. According to the report of Verywell Mind, due to stress, the brain of healthy people can also shrink. The biggest effect of stress is on the part of the brain with emotions, metabolism and memory. Many mental disorders can occur due to prolonged stress. Not only this, in many cases there is a change in the size and structure of the brain. Due to this, there is a deep effect on the brain and your memory is also badly affected. The memory of older people becomes week by this.

Brain cells can be damaged
New neurons of the brain are damaged due to stress. These neurons are associated with memory, emotions and learning. This was revealed in a study. This is the area of ​​the brain where new brain cells are formed. The problem of mental illness can increase due to stress. Due to this, many unnecessary changes take place in our brain, which become the reason for mental disorder. Those who have gone through some trauma in their life, they should take special care about stress. Taking too much stress for them can cause serious illness.

Memory may be week
Often you must have felt that when you are under more stress then it becomes difficult to remember things and many times due to this you are not able to take the right decision. Due to stress, our body releases the hormone cortisol, which is also called stress hormone. The effect of this hormone is on our memory and memory becomes week. Taking stress for a long time can lead to memory-related diseases.