( problems) 
( problems) 

Digestive problems( problems) 

Bed tea: Not only in India, but in many countries around the world, there are people who want a cup of tea as soon as they wake up in the morning. This is also called ‘bed tea’. That is, you have not even got out of bed and someone has served tea. If the day does not start with this favorite drink, then you feel restless. Even if you do not want to give up this habit, drinking tea immediately after waking up in the morning can have many disadvantages.

1. Digestive problems ( problems) 

Drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning has a bad effect on the digestive system. Tea contains caffeine and tannin which can increase acidity in the stomach. This can cause problems like heartburn, gas, and indigestion. Drinking tea on an empty stomach reduces appetite and affects the energy of the whole day.

2. Dental problems

Tea contains tannins and acids that can damage tooth enamel. This can cause yellowing of teeth and cavities. The habit of drinking bed tea also increases the risk of plaque accumulation on teeth, which makes cleaning teeth difficult.

3. Caffeine addiction

Drinking bed tea can cause caffeine addiction in the body. Caffeine is a stimulant that wakes the body up with a jolt in the morning. It can disrupt the body’s natural sleep and wake cycle. Excessive consumption of caffeine has a bad effect on sleep quality and can also cause insomnia.

4. Dehydration

The body needs water as soon as you wake up in the morning because dehydration can occur in the body after fasting overnight. Drinking bed tea does not provide the necessary hydration to the body, which can lead to dehydration in the body. This also has a bad effect on skin health and fatigue can be felt in the body.

5. Nutrient deficiency

The tannins present in tea can reduce the absorption of iron and other nutrients in the intestines. This can lead to nutrient deficiency in the body, which can cause long-term health problems. Especially iron deficiency can cause problems like anemia.