Meerut: A heart-wrenching incident has happened in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, where the bodies of five people of the same family were found inside their house. The bodies were hidden between clothes inside bed boxes. (Dead bodies ) The incident is from Sohail Garden area near Lisadi Gate police station. A team of police and forensic officials reached the spot and started investigating the case. The family had disappeared a day before the incident. Seeing this incident, there is speculation that the family has been murdered. Suicide notes have also not been found at the spot. However, the police is avoiding saying anything on murder or suicide.
Bodies of children were hidden in the bed
According to the information, the bodies of husband Moin and wife Asma were found on the floor, while the bodies of 8-year-old Afsa, 4-year-old Aziza and one-year-old Adiba were found inside the bed. Entry inside the house has been restricted. ADG DK Thakur is also reaching the spot.
Police engaged in investigation
SSP Meerut said that the reason for death has not been revealed yet. Police is also investigating from the angle of mutual enmity. The reason for death will be known only after the postmortem report comes. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and is investigating.
The deceased family was last seen on Wednesday evening
The deceased family living in Suhail Garden located in Lisadi police station area was last seen on Wednesday evening. Five bodies of the same family were found lying on the bed and inside it in a room in their own house. Children are also included among the dead. Among the five people, three are children and two are husband-wife. The children were not very old. After the incident, a huge crowd gathered at the spot. The police, who reached on information, have banned outsiders from entering the house.