
educated scholars consider it a measure, saying – crisis is on the head

New Delhi. The decline in the sale of men’s underwear in India in the third quarter of the financial year 2022-23 has raised the ears of economic experts. They are not considering the country’s men buying less underwear as a good sign for the economy. He believes that the reduced …

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symptoms of throat cancer

Throat cancer: According to WHO, cancer was responsible for the death of more than one crore people in 2020. According to statistics, one out of every 6 deaths is due to cancer. Cancer is such a disease, on hearing its name, shivering starts. The fear of this disease settles in …

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Were there many such marriages?

Our history cannot be complete without discussing the Mughal period. For this, we take you to an incident on the 21st of April, 497 years ago. On that hot April afternoon, a battle was fought a few hundred kilometers away from today’s Delhi. We all know that war as the …

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Cannabis intoxication ends up having a hold on the body’s system

Cannabis: Cannabis dhatura is also offered to Lord Shiva on Mahashivaratri. Bhang is believed to be the favorite drink of Lord Shiva. That’s why bhang thandai is also prepared in many temples on Mahashivaratri. Shiva devotees drink it with pleasure. There is a custom of consuming cannabis even on the …

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Man played melodious music from spice canister

Talent is such a thing that can be possessed by anyone at any time, it doesn’t see caste, caste discrimination, rich-poor at all. And the one who appreciates that skill, becomes a shining diamond in the palm of Kohli, then the world becomes crazy about him. Just a connoisseur was …

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take care of these things

Banana side effect: Because of its nutritional value, banana is counted in the category of super food. People like to eat this health-rich fruit everyday. It brings instant energy to the body and also keeps our immunity good. But do you know that consuming it in excess can also harm …

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Dirty cholesterol has made a home in the arteries

Bad Cholesterol from Yoga: Heart is a pumping machine in which blood reaches through the arteries and from there the blood gets purified and reaches all parts of the body, but dirty cholesterol puts life in danger by sticking in the arteries. Actually, there are two types of cholesterol. Good …

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A 9-year-old girl had a stroke after applying henna on her hand

New Delhi. A reputed private hospital in the national capital said on Tuesday that they came across a unique case in which a nine-year-old girl started having seizures after applying henna on her hands. According to a statement issued by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, a research paper in this matter …

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What is Mahesh Yogi’s famous meditation method

Yoga and Meditation: Yoga and meditation are very popular all over the world. Most of the scientific research done on meditation has accepted that it has positive physical and mental effects. Almost all religions and spiritual leaders have emphasized the importance of meditation. But few people pay attention to the …

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Cancer can be easy to identify

New Delhi. Cancer kills millions of people every year. Every single day’s delay in treatment makes the patient stand closer to death. Experts say that a chemical named Volatile Organic Compound is released from the cancerous tumor present in the body. It comes out of our body with urine or …

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