
Black salt water will detox the body  (Black sal)

  (Black sal)

Black salt water: Black salt  (Black sal) is actually a cold salt which helps in cooling the stomach lining and protecting the body from many problems. Apart from this, black salt has laxative properties which are helpful in increasing the metabolic rate as well as correcting bowel movement in the …

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Digestion will improve.(Digestion)


Curd: In this summer season, dishes made from curd are like nectar for us. Whether you consume plain curd or raita, it is very effective in boosting digestion  (Digestion) and immune system. Today we are going to tell you a very unique recipe of curd, which is very easy to …

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The face will glow even in summer( summer) 

( summer) 

Aloe vera: In Ayurveda, aloe vera has been called Sanjeevani Booti Samana. It has been used for centuries for traditional and herbal medicines. Due to the amazing properties of aloe vera, it is used to get rid of hair and skin problems. If you are troubled by dull, pigmented and …

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otherwise oral health can be bad(health )

(health )

Oral Health: We use toothbrush daily for cleaning teeth. We brush once in the morning and once at night before sleeping. Doctors have also been saying to clean teeth twice to maintain oral health. (health )  Along with this, they also talk about taking some precautions regarding toothbrush. About which …

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Eat these 5 foods, immunity will be strong.(Eat these ) 

.(Eat these ) 

Breakfast: Breakfast should always be taken. Consuming healthy things reduces the risk of diseases to a great extent. Your breakfast in the morning should always be healthy.(Eat these )  Breakfast is very important to keep you away from many diseases. Let us tell you which things you should eat in …

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Bleeding gums is not a reason to be careless(Bleeding ) 

(Bleeding ) 

Bleeding from the gums: You must have felt many times that while cleaning the teeth, the gums start bleeding, (Bleeding )  many times we ignore it, but if this problem is not cured soon, then the problem can increase. If your teeth are bleeding, then some easy home remedies can …

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It is good to get enough sleep for good health(good health) 

(good health) 

Adequate sleep: For good health, (good health)  it is considered good to get 7-8 hours of full sleep every day. By doing this, both the body and the mind get recharged. If you are not able to get full sleep due to some reason, then it will not take long …

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Induces physical dependence. Tea-Coffee( Tea-Coffee)

( Tea-Coffee)

New Delhi: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has advised moderation in the consumption of tea and coffee, ( Tea-Coffee) Tea-Coffee  two beloved beverages deeply ingrained in Indian culture. Recently, it has launched 17 new dietary guidelines in partnership with the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), which aims to …

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These three are full of excellent medicinal properties.  (properties.)


Fennel, cumin and celery: We all want that the body always remains healthy and the mind always remains calm. Most of our health problems start from the stomach. In such a situation, it is very important to keep your digestion healthy. If you drink water of fennel, cumin and celery, …

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risk of blood clots in veins( blood)

( blood)

Heat wave outbreak: Severe heat has started in many states of India. The temperature is continuously increasing in most places. In such a situation, where people are facing problems due to heat wave, doctors say that intense heat can also increase the risk of brain stroke. Brain stroke is a …

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