The Aam Aadmi Party on Wednesday unveiled its manifesto, placing a strong emphasis on middle-class welfare ahead of the upcoming Delhi assembly election. AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal released the manifesto while presenting a seven-point charter of demands to the central government for inclusion in the upcoming Union Budget.
Arvind Kejriwal called for the Budget to prioritise the middle class, proposing significant reforms across education, health, taxation, and senior citizen welfare. Outlining the demands, the AAP chief said:
8th Pay Commission: The 8th Central Pay Commission (CPC) will come into effect from January 1, 2026
Increased education spending: Allocate 10% of the Budget to education, up from the current 2%, and introduce caps on private school fees.
Higher education support: Provide subsidies and scholarships to make higher education more accessible.
Boost health funding: Increase the health budget to 10% and remove taxes on health insurance.
Tax reforms: Raise the income tax exemption limit from ₹7 lakh to ₹10 lakh.
Essential goods relief: Remove GST from essential commodities.