New Delhi. Gautam Adani, one of Asia’s richest men, and his family have pledged to donate Rs 60,000 crore to mark his 60th birthday. Adani Group said in a statement that this donation will be given in the fields of health, education and skill development. The donation will be managed by the Adani Foundation. Adani is a first generation entrepreneur and has transformed a small agri trading firm into a huge business empire.
The group’s business spans coal trading and mining, ports and airports, power generation, gas distribution, green energy, data centers and cement.
The amount donated is just eight per cent of Adani’s $92 billion wealth. On the birth anniversary of Gautam Adani’s father Shantilal Adani and the 60th birthday of Gautam Adani, the Adani family has donated Rs 60,000 crore for various social causes, the statement said. It is one of the biggest donations in Indian corporate history and joins the ranks of global billionaires like Azim Premji, Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffett.