Bhutan’s King begins his two-day visit to India on Monday

New Delhi. The Ministry of External Affairs said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday held a detailed discussion with Bhutanese King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck on the entire gamut of bilateral relations including issues of national interest to the two countries. On the recent controversial statement of the Prime Minister of Bhutan on Doklam and the question related to the talks between PM Modi and the King of Bhutan, the Ministry of External Affairs said that both the countries are in constant touch on security issues.

Asked whether the Doklam issue also figured during the talks, Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra said India and Bhutan remain in close contact on security-related issues. Kwatra told reporters that the visit of the King of Bhutan to India prepares a blueprint for further broadening our cooperation in diverse fields. The Bhutanese king began his two-day visit to India on Monday amid some concerns in New Delhi over China’s efforts to exert influence over Thimphu.

Bhutanese Prime Minister Lotay Tshering’s recent comments on the Doklam standoff have been seen by some as the neighboring country moving closer to China, although Bhutan has maintained that there has been no change in its stand on the border dispute. In fact, Bhutan’s PM had recently said that along with India and Bhutan, China is also an important partner in the Doklam border dispute. This statement of PM Tshering is different from the traditional policy of India because India has been believing that China is interfering in Doklam. This is the first time that Bhutan has made a statement different from India’s policy.

In such a situation, within a few days of the statement on Doklam, the visit of the King of Bhutan to India and his talks with PM Modi on all issues have their own special importance. India has already given a strong message to China on Doklam. In such a situation, once again it has become clear from the visit of Bhutan King that China may do something on Doklam, but India will always stand on its stand. Bhutan is a strategically important country for India and the defense and security ties between the two sides have expanded significantly over the years.

what is doklam dispute
The past few years have seen an upswing in strategic ties between the two countries in the backdrop of the 73-day standoff between Indian and Chinese troops at Doklam in 2017. The Doklam Plateau is considered an important area in terms of India’s strategic interest. The standoff at the Doklam tri-junction began in 2017 when China tried to extend the road into an area that Bhutan claimed belonged to it.

India strongly opposed the construction as it would affect its overall security interests. The standoff between India and China was resolved after several rounds of talks. In October 2021, Bhutan and China signed an agreement on a ‘three-stage action plan’ to accelerate talks to resolve their border dispute.

Bhutan shares a border of over 400 km with China and the two countries have held over 24 rounds of border talks to resolve the dispute. India has consistently been Bhutan’s top trading partner and remains a major source of investment in Bhutan.