the policemen were surprised when they opened it

New Delhi. Ten mobile phones, data cables and a large quantity of tobacco were recovered from Delhi’s Rohini Jail. While giving this information on Tuesday, the officer of Rohini Jail said that this recovery has been done from Central Jail No-10.

The jail official said, ‘Yesterday at around 7:44 pm, the staff of Central Jail No. 10, Rohini noticed some suspicious objects tightly sealed in two packets of juice. When they were opened, 10 mobile phones, four data cables and loose tobacco (about 75 grams) were recovered from it.

Along with this, he told, ‘On further investigation, it was found that those packets were thrown inside the jail over the outer wall of the jail. The matter is being further investigated and has been reported to the police for necessary action as per the prescribed law.
Let us inform that there are three jail complexes located in Tihar, Rohini and Mandoli in Delhi. All these include Central Jail. Earlier, on March 9, jail officials had recovered 23 surgical blades, drugs, two smartphones and a SIM card from a prisoner in Tihar’s Central Jail No. 3.