New Delhi. The third match of the ongoing Test series at the Holkar Stadium in Indore became a headache for India on the very first day. The team captained by Rohit Sharma was bundled out for just 109 runs. In response, by the end of the day’s play, the Australian team has scored 156 runs at the loss of four wickets. These four wickets went to the account of Ravindra Jadeja. Earlier, Jaddu was also the hero of Nagpur and Delhi Tests. He became the player of the match in the last two tests. In this match, Team India seems to be trapped in its own trap. The Kangaroo team is eager to register victory in our house while learning Indian tricks.
India trapped in its own web
BCCI has given turning tracks to the Australian team to play in all the three matches so far. The Australian team is not used to playing on such pitches. This is the reason that India easily won the first two matches. Now in the third match too, when India was looking for a way to win the match by following the same plan, the Australian team captained by Steve Smith defeated India. The entire Indian team was all out for 109 runs on the spin track.
Realizing India’s ploy, even the ICC is no longer in a mood to spare the BCCI. ICC match referee Chris Broad has also completed his preparations for this. Action is certain to happen on the pitch of Indore. Earlier, the pitch of Nagpur and Delhi has been given ‘average’ rating. Which means that a match can be held on this pitch but it is not an ideal pitch for cricket.
It is believed that the Indore pitch is going to get a worse rating than this. This pitch can be given a below average rating. On the very first day of the match, Team India got all out in the first few hours. Due to this, questions are being raised on the quality of the pitch.