Some precautions to people before getting hair transplant

New Delhi: Hair transplant can prove to be a life-changing step for people suffering from the problem of baldness. It is a surgical procedure, in which hair is removed from the scalp or other parts of the body and transplanted to the baldness area. This work should be done by qualified experts only. People need to take some precautions before getting hair transplant. People who smoke cigarettes or alcohol have to abstain from these things a few weeks before the transplant. Even after the transplant, precautions are needed for several weeks. Today we will know from the experts that how much time it takes to get hair transplant done. What tests are done before this and what precautions should be taken.

What precautions should be taken before surgery?
Dr. Raman Sharma, plastic and cosmetic surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, says that first of all, a person should consult a qualified plastic surgeon or dermatologist before undergoing hair transplant. About two weeks before this process, a person should completely give up alcohol and cigarettes. Even after transplant one should stay away from these things for several weeks. If you have any disease or you are taking any medicine, do discuss it with the doctor and try to keep yourself fit. Do not apply hair oil and other gels a few days before the transplant. On the day of transplant, wash hair only with shampoo and dry it thoroughly.

What tests are done before hair transplant?
According to Dr. Raman Sharma, all necessary blood tests including CBC, BDCT, HIV and blood sugar are done before hair transplant. These tests are done before every surgery, so that the health of the person can be known. The decision to do hair transplant is taken on the basis of the result of the test. If someone has infection or any other kind of disease in the scalp, then hair transplant is avoided in such cases. Apart from this, people who do not have hair in the donor area on their body, they also cannot undergo this process.

What precautions should be taken after surgery?
According to experts, shower should not be taken for 4-5 days after hair transplant and a cap should be kept on. Take special care of hair for one week in the beginning and use only the medicines and ointments given by the doctor. After about 1 week wash the hair very carefully and dry it thoroughly. When the scalp is dry, sprinkle some water from time to time. After transplant, take the medicines given by the doctor on time and do not be negligent at all. There will be hair fall for the first three to four months, but there is no need to worry about it. Gradually in 6-7 months the effect of transplant will be visible and the hair will become thick and strong.