The employees enjoyed the trip with the family for 3 days

Walt Disney World: Although all companies provide some facilities to their employees, so that they can work happily, but there are some bosses who take care of the employees like family members. The story of one such American boss is in headlines at the moment, who is being appreciated for his generosity.

America’s billionaire businessman Ken Griffin sent thousands of his company’s employees on Walt Disney Worldtrip at his own expense. The boss paid the bill from his air ticket to his stay. They didn’t even have to pay for the food and drink of the employees and family members going on this trip, and this was also sponsored by the boss on his behalf. All the employees working in Griffin’s company are very happy to receive this wonderful gift.

3 days fun trip and zero expenses
Ken Griffin is a 54 year old businessman from Florida. He has a company named Citadel and Citadel Securities, on whose 20th anniversary the boss has given this tremendous gift to the employees. At present, a total of 10,000 employees work in his company and this sponsored trip was offered to all. During this, he got a chance to visit Walt Disney World, whose expenses ranging from tickets to food and accommodation were borne by Ken Griffin himself.

Everything was in the vacation package
According to a company spokesperson, Griffin paid the full cost of the flight tickets taken from New York, Houston, Paris, Zurich and other cities. Apart from this, he also paid for hotel, theme park tickets, food and parking. Employees were also given an opportunity to participate in a musical program held there. In the year 2020, due to Kovid, the employees could not get the party, in such a situation, now they got such a grand party. Griffin’s net worth is 2600 billion rupees and he has given a lot of money in charity.