The body gets vitamin D from the sun’s rays

Sunlight effects on health: Most of the people do not like to walk in the sun. Many people believe that being out in the sun damages the skin. You must have also heard many times that sunlight should be taken to meet the deficiency of Vitamin D. A recent study has revealed a surprising thing about the rays of the sun and hunger. It has been claimed in the study that due to sunlight in men, the level of ‘hunger hormone’ increases and they start feeling hungry. Apart from this, sunlight also helps in preventing many diseases. Many surprising things have come to the fore in this study. Get to know about this.

Sun’s rays increase appetite

According to the report of Medical News Today, a recent study has found that due to sunlight, the appetite of men increases and they eat more food. Whereas nothing like this was seen in the case of women. It has been said in the study that some invisible ultraviolet rays coming from the sun increase the level of hunger hormone ‘ghrelin’ in men and its effect is seen on their appetite. Ghrelin hormone promotes fat storage. Apart from this, it regulates the energy of the body, reduces nerve activity and provides protection against muscle wastage.

There is less risk of many diseases

It has been revealed in the study that the sun’s rays reduce the risk of heart disease. Helps in lowering blood pressure and releases endorphin hormones that improve mood. As everyone knows that vitamin D is obtained from the sun, which benefits the body in many ways. In such a situation, people who do not go out in the sun for months, they should go out in the sun for some time. With this, they will be more physically and mentally fit and will stay away from many diseases.

It has also been said in a recent study that the ultraviolet rays of the sun can cause many damages to the skin. These rays increase the risk of many diseases including skin cancer, premature aging, actinic keratosis and cataract. The effect of sunlight on human health is quite complex.