Horoscope for today 16 May 2022

Your mind will be happy. There will be trust and sweetness in love life and relationships. The day is getting romantic. You can flirt with your partner. You will benefit from the support of your lover. Today you can move from love to physical relationship. Evening time will be spent in musical atmosphere.

Distances may increase with life partner and love partner. There can be a fight between married couples over money, money etc. Money can get stuck in business. Due to which the partner may be angry with you. You will be totally impressed by your lover. Some people may take wrong decisions due to confusion. Today will be a wonderful day for you in terms of love life. Will go shopping with Lovemate. Mutual estrangement will end.

Too much of anything is not good. If you do not stop your extra marital affair, then it will have a bad effect on the family. Today will be a pleasant and beautiful night in love life. Suddenly your beloved may agree to the marriage.

You may feel tired due to overwork. There is a change in job. Distance from love partner may increase due to travel. Maintain softness in speech, otherwise
It is possible

Do not impose your thoughts on the beloved in the matter of love, it will bring bitterness in the relationship. You will feel the thrill of love. Romantic moments will pass with lover. Today will be full of achievements for you.

You would like to express your feelings to your lover. Today the closeness between the two of you can increase. Will be active on social media throughout the day. Days passed while talking to lover on Facebook etc.

An old colleague in the office may propose you for marriage or engagement today. Suddenly a friend may come back in your life. If due to some reason you have broken up then today you can get rid of the enmity and hug again.

May be attracted to opposite sex. Be careful so that no one can take advantage of you. Check the person before making any kind of promise. There may be a rift with the sister. A loving compliment from a love partner will make your day.

Will be drenched in romance and adventure. The commotion-celebration will go on without talking to the love partner. There will be a chance to increase love relationship. Father may object, but your understanding will be successful in bringing flexibility in relationships. If the spouse is suffering from any disease then it will be there.

The house will remain entangled in family troubles. Due to which the lover may be angry with you. Distance may come due to job. Love life will be good. Some natives may face problems in married life. Control anger, otherwise the relationship may deteriorate.

Today, due to love affair, you can get swept up in emotions. The idea of ​​change in love life or making new friends will come. Some other friends may be attracted to you. If you are not loyal to the old love partner then this relationship will not work. There will be less coordination between husband and wife.

Lover’s beauty will attract you. Friends can praise your partner, which can lead to jealousy. There will be a feeling of distrust towards the lover. There will be a rift with the spouse. Your cooperation will be their courage.
Pt. Subhash Pandey