Today’s Horoscope 8 April 2022

Health and strength will increase. Health will remain good. There are chances of success in every work. You will get success in the field of money and job. Opponents will be victorious. There is a special favorable day for the class associated with agriculture and animal husbandry. Daily or daily routine work will be successful. Success will be achieved in the matter of land or permanent property.
Disputes and conflicts with relatives can happen. Unnecessary disputes can arise. Chances of wastage of money are strong. The success of the tasks will be difficult. There will also be a decrease in energy from a physical point of view. Married partner will suffer physical pain. Travel can be made. Any type of risk would be a lapse in taking significant responsibility.

Travel yoga. You will get support from friends. New news or meeting with dear soulmate, and pleasant situations will make you happy. There will be radiance in both body and mind. Mental and physical condition will be good. You will get the pleasure of good contact with brothers and married partner. Important news will prove to be pleasant. This is a good opportunity to take up new work. Special – Not a useful day for travel, meeting, consultation, decision.
There will be a plan for the expenditure of sudden money. There will be a decrease in family happiness or living outside the house. There will be an excess of work. There will be differences with important people. It would be appropriate to take care of health. There are chances of a long journey. in which the success of the objective is doubtful. Luck does not seem to favor. The day is also not particularly useful for children. The success of travel or new work is doubtful.

Every work will be favorable for you. Overall, the planets are ready to give success, peace and happiness. This month has not found such a favorable time yet. There will be special support from the women’s section. The day will prove to be very good for the classes related to cosmetics, beauty parlor and iron, land, machinery, stone, cement, coal, leather etc. or whose livelihood is dependent on them. There will be health. Promotion in service will get fame and prestige. There will be full cooperation from the junior class. There will be special cooperation in public relations and political field. Success will increase. Financial condition will be very good. Special – Not a useful day for travel, meeting, consultation, decision.

There will be special benefits in business. Comparatively less auspicious for the male class. Make the most of the best period of the month, without wasting time, make the most of it. Whatever work you start, consider it complete. The obstacles will be reduced. There will be happiness with the arrival of money. Morale will be high. Home happiness is good. The class having public relations or public service will prove to be particularly good. There will be special support from married partner. There will be favorable actions in love affairs.
There will be difference of opinion with enemy or friend. Mental distress will increase due to some reasons. There will be less interest in religious works. Traveling is strong. But their purpose will not be fulfilled. There may be a rift with brothers. Friends will not be able to keep their promise. Business profit will decrease. The associate or junior class will not do the expected job. Failure can also lead to accusations. So don’t take any risk. Luck and children happiness, obstacles, obstacles, troubles, are eager to welcome. Control your emotions, your efforts are about to get wings of success.
No risk or judgment of any kind can be advised. Obstacles from every point of view, take out time peacefully. Physical distress, trouble due to travel and vehicle is possible. Anger and irritability will increase due to non-success of work. There will be a state of failure, dishonor or disregard. Overwork in the office or high officials can be a victim of class anger. There will be differences with sons or there will be a decrease in their happiness. The day is also not good for married partner. Not a useful day for travel, meeting, consultation, decision.
Home happiness is good. Travel objectives will be fulfilled. The health of the married partner will be good. There will be profit in business. Morale will be good. Better than expected conditions will be created in employment and business. New tasks can be taken at hand. There will be an atmosphere of success and happiness. Stay away from controversy or important decisions. Special – Not a useful day for travel, meeting, consultation, decision.
Love relations will increase. Family happiness will be good. The enemy will be victorious. After a long time, every situation will seem to be favorable for you. You will have control over every situation. Happiness and his plan will be fulfilled by permanent property. Your thought work will be completed. Abdominal pain is possible. There is a strong possibility of success in employment, business as expected. There is a good chance of success against the enemy class. Efforts in controversial matters will surely yield results.
There will be a decrease in the health of the married partner. Comparatively inauspicious for women. The child will suffer. Or it will decrease happiness. There will be a slowdown in business. There will be a situation of conflict in love relations. It’s hard to spend time with nice people. Cheating is also possible with you. The plans will not be successful. There may be confusion or indecision in the mind.
Be physically or mentally active at least. Keep full attention, patience, calmness and control over emotions. Victory over opponents and success in pending work will come. It would be preferable to keep active, appropriation, marketing, transactions, important work pending/postponed.
Pt. Subhash Pandey