Now fuel will be available on the moon, you will be able to use the internet

Washington: More than 50 years have passed since man stepped on the moon. Since then, we have made many advances in space science, but mankind is again focusing its attention on the Moon. There are still many such mysteries of the Moon, which are yet to be revealed. In such a situation, the US space agency has again started preparing for this. NASA’s Artemis mission is preparing to take humans back to the surface of the Moon.

Moon can be used as a launching pad
Space scientists around the world are in talks about space missions whether the Moon can be used as a launching pad. If this happens, then humans will be able to make a wider presence in and around the Moon than before. For this, work is being done on a space start-up, which can be useful in such an effort.

This company named American start-up ‘Quantum Space’ is working on a plan to build a robotic outpost near the moon. Quantum Space is founded by Steve Jurczyk. He is a former associate administrator of NASA. The company was formed in 2021. According to a report in The Verge, as part of Quantum Space’s plan, setting up a robotic outpost near the Moon will help provide internet capability on the lunar surface.

After the construction of this post, fuel can also be filled in the spacecraft from here. Along with this, data will be collected and will help in building the infrastructure on the surface of the Moon. Jurczyk says that his company also intends to build vehicles that will assist NASA in its lunar mission.
He said that NASA is planning to build an Internet-like system of communication infrastructure around the Moon, which is called ‘LunaNet’. It will be less dependent on Earth’s technologies for navigation, communication and data relay.