Spermatozoa, view under a microscope, illustration of the appearance of spermatozoa.

know what is the whole matter?

Delhi. The troubles of the parents, who are hoping to get the preserved sperm of their son, do not seem to be easy. A few days ago, there was a discussion about sperm protection, now Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has given its side in the matter. According to the hospital, there is no law in the country to give safe sperm sample of unmarried dead mail to family or parents.

This was stated in the affidavit filed by the hospital in the Delhi High Court. The Assisted Reproductive Technology Act, in the Central Government Gazette, does not specify the procedure for disposal or use of a semen sample from an unmarried person who has died, the affidavit said.

In fact, in December last year, the Delhi High Court had sought a response from the hospital and the Delhi government on the petition. Actually the unmarried son of the petitioner parents had cancer. In such a situation, before the treatment of cancer started, he had his sperms secured in Sir Gangaram Hospital. But he could not fight the cancer and died.

In such a situation, the boy’s parents want to take safe sperm from the hospital. Parents say that the sperm is the remains of their son and they have the right over them. The parents want to continue the lineage of the son so they want to get the sperm.

When the parents refused, citing the law in the hospital, they approached the Delhi High Court. On this, the High Court had sought answers from the Delhi Government and the hospital. In this regard, the hospital has now presented its side. According to the affidavit submitted in the court, the hospital has once again refused to give sperm, saying that there is no such law. In such a situation, now the problems of the parents seem to be increasing.

Let us inform that during the hearing of the case, senior advocate Dinesh Kumar Goswami, on behalf of the petitioners, had said in the High Court that the parents have the right on the sample deposited in the hospital, while advocate Subhash Kumar, on behalf of the hospital management, said that the permission of the living person Sperm samples were kept safe from him, but after his death, now the status of legal authority has changed.