And you will be completely fit with fat!

New Delhi: Everyone desires a fit body. Whether women or men, both are very much concerned about their beauty and fitness. For this, people keep trying all kinds of remedies. Dieting, gym, exercise, etc., in whatever way his body can come in perfect shape, he is ready to take every measure. In such a situation, there are some such measures which can easily help in this work. Let’s know about some easy exercises, by regular practice of which people can bring their body in perfect shape. So let’s know about that exercise

For this exercise, you have to take out time of 15-20 minutes in a day. With its daily practice, the body from top to bottom will come in tone and shape.

To do this, sit in the position of Vrajasana on the mat. It means to sit with your knees bent. Then keep the hands near the hips. Now while inhaling you have to stand on your knees. In this position the hands will move upwards. Then while exhaling, sit down. In this position the hands will move slightly backwards. If there is a feeling of tiredness while doing this, then after completing this cycle, you can take some rest or else take rest only after doing it continuously for 20-30 times.

Do at least 3 sets of this exercise. Initially, you may not be able to do more than 10 times and after that your body is not ready to do it, but it will happen only for 2 to 3 days. After that you can increase both repetitions and sets as per your capacity. This exercise is absolutely best for both men and women.

There are tremendous benefits of this exercise
The best thing about this exercise is that it does not require any kind of equipment.

In doing this exercise, both your upper and lower body are engaged. Meaning the whole body is getting toned.
Hands, back, stomach, thighs and feet all come together in shape.
If there is a lot of pain in your knee, then avoid doing this exercise.
Pregnant women should avoid doing this.