Never share these secrets related to ex to wife

No matter how caring and loving your partner is, to keep the love alive in your relationship, you should never forget to share these 6 secrets of your past life with him. By sharing these pages of your past with your partner, the happiness of your married life can be at stake and the relationship can also reach on the verge of breaking up. Let us know what are these 6 secre

Do not tell past to partner- If you have had a past before marriage, then never tell your partner about it. Remember that it is very important to have trust and honesty between husband and wife. But in a place where your honesty hurts your partner, it is better to avoid the matter.

Miss X even today- It cannot be easy for any person to completely remove the moments spent with someone special in the past and his memories from the heart. In such a situation, if your partner has already read the pages of your past, then do not mention your ex to them again and again, by doing this your problems will increase instead of decreasing.

Marriage Regrets- When you do evil to your wife or husband to your family members, then it is inevitable to have estrangement in married life. Even if your partner does not have the same quality as your ex, yet you should not make your partner feel that they are less than anyone.

What did you plan with – Never mention your future planning with your ex before marriage in front of your life partner. If you discuss old things with your partner all the time, then your married life may get spoiled.
Are in touch with ex- If you are like a friend in touch of your ex even after marriage, then never mention this thing with your partner. You may be in a friendly relationship with your ex now, but your partner will never understand your feelings and will judge you wrong.

Keep the list of ex secret – No matter how loving your partner is, do not forget to keep the list of your past relationship open in front of him. On the other hand, if the partner himself starts showing interest in knowing your past life, then explain to him with love that there is no one for you more than him. You are very happy with them and want to forget the past.