Indian Navy ready against China

Kolkata: The Indian Navy is “fully prepared” for appropriate and cohesive action wherever and whenever the need arises, Commander Rituraj Sahu, the officer-in-charge of the Navy in West Bengal, said here on Friday. Commander Sahu said that the Indian Navy has increased its capability manifold in all dimensions related to surface ships, naval aviation and underwater areas.

“The Indian Navy is fully prepared to meet any threat by sea and is capable of taking appropriate and cohesive action wherever and whenever required,” he said here.

When asked about the alleged increasing interference of China in the Indian Ocean, NOIC said in an event organized on the eve of 50th Navy Day that India’s geographical position in the region is very strong.

He said that Indian Navy’s maritime reconnaissance aircraft and warships were being monitored at various places in the Indian Ocean region. “Our territory is always under surveillance,” NOIC told reporters at the Navy’s West Bengal base INS Subhash here.
He also said that indigenous manufacturing and contemporary technology at the Indian Navy level has enhanced the combat capability of the force. He said that with the improvement in these areas, “we are able to keep an eye on the Indian Ocean region for the maritime security of our nation.” Will attend the opening ceremony on Sunday.