Why does yellow turmeric turn red when it comes in contact with soap?

The color of turmeric is yellow. It has many benefits and uses it accordingly. Yellow turmeric is used in many things in India. Turmeric is used extensively in the food here. Apart from this, turmeric is also used for medical reasons. Turmeric milk is drunk in many diseases. Along with this, the use of turmeric on the skin also brings glow. But this potent turmeric becomes a headache when it is accidentally applied to clothes. Yes, turmeric stains very hard to get rid of. But there is a specialty of turmeric stain.

If turmeric stains on clothes, then it is very difficult to get rid of it. After turmeric stains, cleaning it becomes a challenge. But to clean yellow turmeric stains on clothes, as soon as it is brought in contact with soap, a magic happens. Yellow turmeric stain turns red when it comes in contact with soap or surf. Why does this happen after all? Today we are going to tell you the reason behind this.

Turmeric is also a natural indicator
The scientific name of turmeric is Curcuma longa. Turmeric is a member of Anvartabeegi Kulingerberaceae. That is, those things whose root is eaten. We do not eat the fruit of turmeric, but its root. Turmeric is a natural antibiotic. Its use is very beneficial in case of injury. Apart from this, turmeric is a natural indicator. With the help of indicators, it is found out whether something is acidic or base. That is, is it an acid or a base. To detect this, litmus is used in the lab. But turmeric acts as a natural indicator.

Soap contains alkali. In such a situation, as soon as it comes in contact with turmeric, it becomes red in color. If this does not happen, then understand that the soap is fake. For years turmeric has been used to identify genuine soap. So do not understand why yellow turmeric stain on your clothes turns red as soon as it comes in contact with real soap?