Is China preparing for war on the border?

New Delhi: China is continuously investing heavily in military infrastructure along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh. In such a situation, India has expressed concern over this construction being done by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), China’s army. During the recent talks between the two countries, the Indian side expressed concern over the construction done by the Chinese Army in the areas near the Eastern Ladakh sector. Sources said the reason for India’s concern is that China is building new highways here. Connecting roads, also building new housing and settlements. The Chinese army has deployed heavy weapons including missile regiments on its side along the LAC.

Sources said that the upgrade of military infrastructure has been very important, as China is widening the highway. At the same time, in addition to China’s bases in Kashgar, Gar Gunsa and Hotan, it is now building new airstrips. He said that a broader highway is also being developed, which will further improve the connectivity of Chinese military bases on the LAC with the interior areas. The Chinese military is also focusing on building infrastructure for its air force and army. At the same time, they are being protected from the eyes of American and other satellites.
According to sources, efforts are also being made by China to recruit Tibetans and deploy them at border posts with Han troops. China wants to use the people of Tibet in this more challenging area, because it is very difficult for Chinese soldiers to work in these harsh areas.

Sources said China has deployed a large number of drones for surveillance in the region. Asked whether the number of Chinese troops deployed in front of Indian borders has increased in recent times. To this, sources said that China has focused more on increasing capacity in that area. Sources said the Indian side is also much more prepared than it was last year. He has geared up to deal with any misadventure in this area.