computer science graduate woman forced to beg

Varanasi. It is often said that reading and writing is very important in life because it leads to a better life, but for some people the circumstances become so opposite that even their education does not work for them and due to this they have to bear the burden of life. Does matter. Recently, a video has gone viral from Varanasi in which a woman named Swati is in very bad condition near Assi Ghat and is filling her stomach by begging from people coming and going. The surprising thing is that Swati can speak English fluently and she has graduated in Computer Science.
This video of Swati has been shared by Sharda Avinash Tripathi, a student of Banaras Hindu University. Since the arrival of this video, there is talk about Swati in the social world and till now more than 58,000 people have seen her video.

In this video Swati herself is telling that she is from South India and came to Varanasi three years ago. Since then she is here and is looking for an opportunity to make a living. Swati, who is seen in poverty condition, does not need money or shelter. They want that they should get a job according to their studies so that they can take their life with self-respect. Swati has a good knowledge of computer related work as well as she knows typing. Swati also told that half of her body was paralyzed after giving birth to the child.

Since this video of Swati, many people are showing sympathy towards her. Swati is educated, knows English and is decent, yet she is in this condition today. In such a situation, many questions arise regarding the system of society. After all, why are talented people lagging behind like this? Their desire to live with self-respect is dying out and it is the defeat of every person associated with the society.