Jinping wants to spread hatred in India

Beijing: China keeps plotting one or the other conspiracy against India. Now his intention is to spread communist ideology in India. For this, President Xi Jinping’s book has been published in Hindi. This book of Jinping has been published in many other languages ​​of Central Asian countries. In this book, Jinping’s theory regarding governance in China has been highlighted.

According to the news of China’s state-run news agency ‘Xinhua’, the first volume of ‘Xi Jinping: The Governance of China’ was released in Hindi, Pashto, Dari, Sinhalese and Uzbek languages ​​at a ceremony at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on Wednesday. Gaya. This book has been published in English and many languages ​​apart from Mandarin over the years.

Since coming to power in 2012, 68-year-old Xi Jinping has emerged as the party’s leading leader on the lines of Mao Zedong, the founder of the ruling Communist Party of China. He advocated a new ideological stance called socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Jinping, who tightened his grip on power during last week’s CPC convention, is expected to be elected president for the third time next year.

Geremy R. Burme, a Chinese historian based in New Zealand, said the conference was about creating a new timescape for China around the Communist Party and Xi Jinping. The party wants to increase the support base for them in the future due to the development of the past. It is not really a resolution about past history, but a resolution about future leadership.

During the tenure of Xi Jinping, China’s dispute with other countries has increased. The aggressive response to the border dispute with India and tensions with the US over the Taiwan issue show that Jinping does not like peace. He has on several occasions ordered his army to be ready for major action. By the way, Jinping has got wide public support. But despite this, some leaders working against him in the party are angry with Jinping over the corona virus epidemic and strained relations with America.