Mumbai: The Eknath Shinde government of Maharashtra is taking many decisions one after the other before the upcoming assembly elections 2024. Now the Eknath Shinde government has taken a big decision regarding the VIP number of vehicles. Now the people of the state will have to loosen their pockets more for the favorite number i.e. VIP number (VIP number) for their new vehicles. Let us know how much the government has increased the fee for VIP numbers.
Rs 6 lakh for 0001
The Maharashtra government has increased the fee for VIP numbers. Under the new fee, vehicle owners will now have to pay Rs 6 lakh for the most popular ‘0001’ VIP number for four-wheelers in high demand areas like Mumbai, Pune and other cities. The State Transport Department has issued a notification regarding this on August 30.
Fees increased for two-wheelers and three-wheelers as well
According to the notification of the Transport Department, the price of the prestigious number ‘0001’ for four-wheelers in Maharashtra will increase from the current Rs 3 lakh to Rs 5 lakh. At the same time, this fee for two-wheelers and three-wheelers will now be Rs 1 lakh instead of the current Rs 50,000.
Fees will be higher in these areas
According to the notification issued by the Maharashtra Transport Department, the VIP fee for the ‘0001’ VIP number for vehicles in high demand areas like Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban, Pune, Thane, Raigad, Aurangabad, Nashik, Kolhapur and Nashik will be Rs 6 lakh, while for vehicles with four or more wheels it will be Rs 4 lakh