(Moscow airport)
(Moscow airport)

A grand welcome to Modi at Moscow airport(Moscow airport)

Moscow: The whole world is looking at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Russia. This visit is a ‘loud and clear’ message to the two biggest economic powers of the world, America in the West and China in the East. As soon as PM Modi got off his plane at Moscow airport, (Moscow airport)  he was welcomed by a person whom Putin has never sent to welcome anyone till date. Not even for Chinese President Xi Jinping who recently arrived in Russia. Putin sent Russia’s number two leader after him, first Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, to welcome Modi. Seeing this scene, everyone from Washington DC to Beijing will definitely be jealous.

PM Modi received by Russia’s number two leader

On Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Russia, he was received by Russia’s number two deputy prime minister, who is second in the order of seniority along with the first deputy prime minister. This was the first time that Russian President Putin had sent the country’s first deputy prime minister to receive a foreign head of state at the country’s airport. This gesture of a red-carpet welcome to the Indian Prime Minister by Russia’s highest-ranking leader, just below President Putin, sends a clear message of how much importance Russia attaches to its relations with India. In the next few hours, PM Modi will have dinner with Russian President Vladimir Putin, interact with the Indian diaspora and attend the 22nd India-Russia Annual Summit.

The friendship between the two countries has become stronger than ever

India and Russia’s relations have weathered many storms in the past, yet the friendship between the two countries has become better and stronger than ever. On the economic front, Russia has been India’s largest arms supplier for decades. After its military conflict with Ukraine, India remained one of the largest buyers of subsidized Russian oil, which increased its earnings and revenue. While India and Russia are participating in the 22nd annual summit, the eyes of the world media, including the Chinese, will be on the results and conclusions of the meeting.

How important is India … Russia told the world

In such a situation, such a grand welcome of the Indian Prime Minister in Russia reiterates how much importance it gives and believes in its relations with India in the rapidly changing global scenario. India has recently diversified its defense relations with Western powers, so it is also expected that it will not be dependent on one country for the import of weapons.

Will get strength on the strategic front

On the other hand, regarding PM Modi’s visit to Russia, Lieutenant General Kamaljit Singh said that today the world is going through a very challenging situation. On one hand there is a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, on the other hand Israel’s action in Gaza continues. He said that amidst these two challenges, India has maintained its neutrality and ability to talk to both the countries. In such a situation, PM Modi’s visit to Russia is important. PM Modi’s visit will not only strengthen us on the strategic front but will also resolve global challenges. We may be strengthening relations with America, but Russia has its own place. General Kamaljit Singh said that PM Modi’s visit has come at the right time. This will send a message to America that we are not dependent on it. China will also get some message. We will assure our old friend Russia that we can maintain friendship with many people. After Russia, Prime Minister Modi will go to Austria, which will be the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister to Austria in 40 years.